Arcade Fire - Normal Person

Текст песни: Normal Person

Is anything as strange as a normal person?
 Is anyone as cruel as a normal person?
 Waiting after school, you want to know if you're normal too
 Well, are you?

 I'm so confused, am I a normal person?
 You know, I can't tell if I'm a normal person, it's true
 I think I'm cool enough, but am I cruel enough...
 Am I cruel enough... for you?

 Break it down until everything is normal now
 I know

 Take their tea at two, all the normal people, they do
 They burned the jungle down, while you were sleeping it grew
 You dream in English now, in proper English
 Look how you're just the same as me
 It's through!

 If that's what's normal now, I don't want to know!
 Mama, don't make me go!

 When they get excited they try to hide it (...No!)
 Look at those normals go!

 If that's what's normal now, I don't want to know
 If that's what's normal now...

 Maybe if you have together, you can make the changes in our hearts
 And if you hang together, you can change us, just where should you start?

 I've never really ever met a normal person ( you)

 How do you do?

Arcade Fire

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